What can we help you with?

Use the search facility and if you can’t find the answer to what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us directly

It’s really easy to create an account, just click onto ‘My Account’ and select ‘New Customers’ to enter your details. Please be aware that you can only use standard English characters to register. For any help contact us.

Please click onto ‘My Account’, enter your email address and password you used when you opened your account and click ‘Sign In Now’.
It’s easy to forget your password. If you can’t remember your password, click ‘Forgotten Password’ and follow the instructions.
We will create a temporary password for you, which will be sent to your registered email address.
To make your password more secure:
 Combine letters, numbers and symbols
 Use combinations or characters that aren’t in the dictionary
 Make it long. We allow passwords to be 6-12 characters long, the longer the password, the more secure it will be
 Use words and phrases that are difficult for people to guess
 Avoid your name or birthday
 Don’t use sequences or repeated characters. For example ‘12345678’ or ‘qwerty’

You can change your address, telephone number and email address on your account by simply clicking onto ‘My Account’ and then ‘Edit your Details’.
Just make sure you change your details if you’ve recently moved before placing an order.
As we process orders quickly, we can’t change your address once you’ve placed your order. Orders placed before you updated your address details will be delivered to the address shown on your email confirmation.

If you can’t remember your password, click ‘Forgotten Password’ and follow the instructions. We will create a temporary password for you, which will be sent to your registered email address.
If you enter your password incorrectly 3 times, you will be asked to enter a unique code shown on your screen to continue.

How can I change my password?
Just sign into ‘My Account’ and select the ‘Reset Password’ link.
We will create a temporary password for you, which will be sent to your registered email address.

Closing my account
We’re really sorry to hear you’d like to close your account. Please make sure you’ve received all orders and any outstanding refunds before contacting us to do this for you.

If you’d like to update the Marketing information you receive from us, simply sign into ‘My Account’, tick/untick the box after ‘Communication Preference’ and click ‘Update’.
You can also unsubscribe at the bottom of a recent promotional email. Simply click on the ‘Opt out’ link and select ‘Unsubscribe’.
If you unsubscribe to our marketing emails you won’t receive information on the latest offers, reductions and when the Next sale will be on our website.
It may take a few days for our records to be updated, so please don’t worry if you receive any emails within this time.